Friday, December 12, 2008


Hello IYC and Friends,

I would like to just mention how proud I am to be part of such an amazing team. IYC has really made some great accomplishments this year. For those members that have put forth so much effort, I want to personally thank you so much for your time.

This year, IYC is the co-founder of the 2008 Global Summit, in San Francisco. I would like to recognize, Esperanza Garcia for her work and commitment in this achievement. At the Global Summit, IYC was able to meet and work with some amazing people from around the world. Also, IYC recruited new members. I would like to welcome: Miguel Toro(Puerto Rico Representative), Chloe Hall (California Representative), Isabella Schilpp (California Representative) Emmanuel Onywera (Kenya representative), and Carla Benson (Philippines Representative).

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Also, please check out our logo at the If you are interested in participating the 2nd Annual Global Summit in Los Angelos, California. Please email, Esperanza Garcia at

New Members:
1) Samuel W. Watulatsu, (Uganda Representative) He is the founder of both Foundation For Development of Needy Communities (FDNC) and Bridges for Innovation (B4!). To learn more about Foundation For Development of Needy Communities, please visit the website.

2) Michel Kahandja- (Kenyan Representative) He is the co-founder for Service for Peace-Kenya and assistant Coordinator of Slums Code, Vice President of Foundation of Peace-Kenya. Service For Peace in Kenya is currently working on improving the slums in many local communities in Kibera, Mukuru, Pumwani, and Baba Dogo. If you are interested in helping out Michel, please contact his email at

3) Miguel Toro (Puerto Rico/U.S. representative). He is the founder of Miguel Toro is a very active spokesman in his community and presents youth leadership seminars.

4) Timonthy Ogene (Ghana representative)- He is the Co-Representative of the Youth Leadership Team for Africa and the Middle East, Earth Charter Youth Initiative. He is also the founder of Global Progress, which is really amazing. Please visit his website at:

5) Amr Ashraf (Egypt representative)- He is involved in the United Nations Environment Program and Chairman of the Prevent Air Pollution project (PAP) and the Mediterranean Youth Technology Club.

6) Michael Redmond (U.S./Baltimore representative)- He is heavily involved in Cross-Cultural Exchanges for the purpose Cultural Understanding and Awareness and launched his new website, please visit it at

IYC Member’s Recognition:
Michael Redmond- spokesman at the Interfaith coorperation and the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity at the United Nations.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Michael Redmond

Samuel W.Watulatsu: (Uganda representative), spokesman at the 2008 World Bank Youth to Youth Conference. Please, Check out his cool presentation below.

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Simon Fayard (France Representative) participated at The 2008 Annual Social Entrepenueal in Canada.

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Vishnu Vandara (India Representative), participated at the 2008 MDG Global Summit, New Delhi, India. Vishnu participated in a UN video documentary.

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Miguel Toro (Puerto Rico Representative)- participated at the World Youth Urban Forum in China.

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Administration Business: IYC is right now working on its internal structure. We are looking for a individual that may interested in these important positions.

1) Grant Writer - apply for the Do Something Grant. The Do Something Plum Grant is available to students, age 25 or under, who are social entrepreneurs. You must have recently created a sustainable project, program or organization. One winner is selected every week and winning projects will be highlighted on

2) Website Manger

Volunteer Opportunities: IYC needs representatives at these conferences. If you are interested, please email me asap. For the Three Dot Dash Conference, please submit your recommendations for mentors and GTLs.

1) CSU Youth Caucus, New York City- which will be held in May 2009. The CSU will also have a pre-meeting in February. So, if you are interested, please email Asha@internationalyouthcouncil or Simon Fayard,

2) We are Family Foundation: The 2009 Three Dot Dash Conference, New York City-
For those who were assigned to fill out your applications. Please hand them in asap.

3) Global Kid’s Summer Institute at The Council For Foreign Relations, New York City

4) 6th Annual Youth Assembly- TBA

5) IMSC study Abroad Session- IYC will put on a presentation for the second time, at the IMSC Study Abroad Session. If you are interested, please email IYC

Presentation at the 2007 IMSC Conference
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Monday, December 8, 2008


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Global Legal Action on Climate Changes and Internatonal Youth Council are now emerging to taken action against the present ongoing impact of climate changes and global heating. Climate Changes is increasingly becoming detrimental in many ways. As the temperature continues to rise, more species are threatened from global warming. Chances for the ecoysystem to adapt are diminishing. Also, climate changes is one of the main reasons of why many countries experience different weather patterns. Different weather patterns have became detrimental to food production and the main contributor to deforestation.

Rich nations are the ones responsible for global warming as greenhouse gases tend to remain in the atmosphere for many decades. Also, rich countries have been industrializing and emitting climate changing pollution for many more centuries than the poor countries.

Through our efforts, we will work closely with top enviromental lawyers that are willing to take action against any person or entity who fails or refuses to abide by our efforts. As of now, IYC has representatives from across the globe that are willing to participate in our initative. We are building on a great global case anaylisis. Please stay tune for more updates!